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What Happens When You Skip Court?

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Navigating the legal system can be a daunting task, especially if you or a loved one has recently been arrested. One crucial step in this process is posting bail, which allows a person to be released from custody while they await their court date. However, if you skip your court appearance after posting bail, the consequences can be serious.

The Consequences of Failing to Appear in Court

Once your bail is posted, you will be required to appear in court. Just because you were released does not mean you have avoided going to court or appearing at hearings. When you are released, you will be given a court date. You should share with your bail bonds company so that they can be on the same page as you.

Here’s what happens if you fail to appear in court after posting bail in California:

Warrants and Arrest

If you fail to appear in court, the judge will issue a bench warrant for your arrest. This means law enforcement officers will be authorized to apprehend you and bring you back into custody. The bench warrant remains active until you are arrested or voluntarily return to court.

Bail Forfeiture

In California, when you skip court, the bail bond you posted is typically forfeited. This means the money or collateral put up for your release is lost.

If you used a bail bond, the bail bondsman will be responsible for paying the full amount of the bail to the court, which is usually a significant sum. To recover the forfeited bail, the bail bondsman will have to track you down, which can lead to additional costs and legal complications.

Increased Charges and Penalties

Skipping a court date doesn’t just result in a warrant and bail forfeiture; it can also lead to additional legal troubles. Missing a court date can be considered a separate criminal offense, which may result in additional charges. The judge may also impose harsher penalties or sentences if you are found guilty of the original charges.

Impact on Future Bail

If you miss a court date and the bail is forfeited, it can affect your ability to secure bail in the future. Courts may view you as a flight risk, making it more difficult to obtain bail or bond services in the future. This can lead to more serious legal consequences and potentially higher bail amounts if you are arrested or detained in the future.

Financial Repercussions for Co-Signers

If someone co-signed your bail bond, they could face financial repercussions as well. Co-signers, often family members or friends, are legally responsible for ensuring that you appear in court. If you skip your court date and the bail is forfeited, the co-signer may be required to pay the full bail amount. This can put significant financial strain on them and damage personal relationships.

When family or friends make the decision to help you with your bail bonds, they put their name on the line. Often, families will have to put up houses, jewelry, and many more valuable items as collateral. When you decide not to go to court, you forfeit all collateral—even if it wasn’t yours.

Why Do People Skip Court After Posting Bail?

Many people skip their court dates because they are afraid or want to avoid going to jail. This is very tempting to some when there is still possible jail time. However, skipping out on your court date is NEVER a good idea! Why? Because when you skip your court date, you will make your life and you’re your family members’ lives much more difficult. You will also face more consequences than just simply going to court.

What to Do If You Missed Your Court Date

If you realize you’ve missed a court date, it’s essential to address the issue as quickly as possible. Contact your bail bondsman immediately to discuss the situation. They can often work with you to resolve the issue and may help you turn yourself in voluntarily to minimize additional consequences.

To avoid these serious consequences, always make sure you understand your court dates and obligations. Keep track of all legal appointments and communicate with your bail bondsman regularly. If you face difficulties attending court due to unforeseen circumstances, inform your attorney and bail bondsman as soon as possible to explore potential solutions.

Avoid Additional Legal Consequences by Appearing in Court

Skipping a court date after posting bail can lead to significant legal and financial repercussions. It’s crucial to take your court obligations seriously and address any issues promptly to avoid worsening your situation. By staying informed and proactive, you can better navigate the legal process and minimize the risk of additional complications.

Here at Dan's Bail Bonds, we are free to answer questions, concerns, and help get you or your loved one out of jail. It’s important that you get the right answers quickly so you can always make the best decision.

Get in touch with us today to discuss your situation and learn how Dan can help. We are available to assist you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.