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What to Do If You Have a Warrant in California

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If you have been issued a warrant, you may be feeling overwhelmed and uncertain of what to do next. Understanding your rights is crucial in not only paving the way for what comes next but also providing you with the confidence needed to navigate this difficult situation.

What Is a Warrant?

A warrant is a legal document that authorizes the police to search or arrest someone. It can also be used to gain access to certain types of evidence, such as documents or records. A warrant can also allow law enforcement to search your home, vehicle, or other properties.

Knowing what steps to take after being issued a warrant can help ensure that your rights are protected and that the process goes as smoothly as possible.

The Different Types of Warrants

There are two types of warrants:

  • Arrest Warrants: An arrest warrant is issued by a judge and allows law enforcement to take an individual into custody.
  • Search Warrants: A search warrant is also issued by a judge and gives law enforcement the right to enter and search an individual’s premises.

How to Find Out If You Have a Warrant

There are a few ways to find out if you have a warrant. You can check with the clerk of court in the county where you live or last lived. You can also search online databases, such as the National Crime Information Center database. However, these databases are not always up to date, so it’s best to contact a lawyer to be sure.

If you think you have a warrant out for your arrest, the best thing to do is contact a criminal defense lawyer. They can help you figure out if there is a warrant out for your arrest and, if so, what the best course of action is.

You Have a Warrant, What’s Next?

If you find out that you do have a warrant out for your arrest, the best thing to do is turn yourself into the authorities. This will show that you are willing to cooperate with the law and that you are not a flight risk. You may be able to negotiate a better outcome for yourself if you turn yourself in rather than waiting to be arrested.

If you cannot turn yourself in, then it is important to consult with a lawyer who can advise you on the best course of action. Depending on the type of warrant, a lawyer may be able to help you negotiate with the court for a lower bond or another arrangement.

Know Your Rights

If you have been presented with a warrant, it’s critical that you understand your rights. A search warrant gives the police the authority to search your home, business, or other properties and seize any evidence they find.

If the police have a warrant, they do not need your consent to enter your premises. However, you should still ask to see the warrant and ask what they are looking for. Once the police have finished their search, they should give you a copy of the warrant and a list of any items they have seized.

You have the right to remain silent when the police are searching your property. You should not answer any questions or make any statements until you have consulted with an attorney. The same is true if you are arrested on an arrest warrant. Exercise your right to remain silent until you have spoken to legal counsel.

If the police ask to speak with you outside of your home or business, you should politely decline and ask to speak with an attorney first. It is best not to say anything until you have consulted with legal counsel.

Should You Contact a Bail Bondsman If You Have a Warrant?

Having a warrant is not something to take lightly, and it’s important to know your rights and understand the legal process. It can be stressful, but with the right knowledge and preparation, you can make sure that you’re taking all the necessary steps to ensure a successful outcome. Contacting an experienced attorney is one of the best ways to protect your rights and get advice on how best to proceed.

Additionally, a bail bonds agent, like Dan at Dan's Bail Bonds, can assist you in posting bail and securing your release from jail while you await your court hearing or trial. It’s a good idea to reach out to a bail bondsman as soon as possible after an arrest.