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Burbank's Pay-to-Stay Jail Program


In this brave new world of “pay-to-stay” jail programs, convicts who have the financial means have the opportunity to have a more pleasant experience while they are doing their time. The Burbank Police Department offers such a program.

How Does Pay-to-Stay Jail Work?

These programs enable persons who have been sentenced or are awaiting trial to “pay to stay” in a local jail in a better environment. In communities like Burbank, California, this program offers a safer, less crowded, and more convenient alternative to county jails.

Pay-to-stay jail programs typically serve non-violent criminals: those awaiting trial or serving time, and those who do not constitute a severe danger to public safety. The sentencing judge will decide whether a person may serve their time in city instead of county jail, and this only applies to certain non-violent misdemeanors.

Benefits of Pay-to-Stay Jail in Burbank, CA

The Burbank pay-to-stay jail offers a variety of features compared to traditional county jail facilities.

Some of these benefits include:

  • Smaller Inmate Populations: A significant benefit of these facilities is lower inmate populations, which reduces the overall stress related to overcrowded environments.
  • Additional Amenities: Inmates have access to additional amenities such as television and exercise equipment.
  • Increased Safety: Due to smaller inmate populations and stricter guidelines on who is eligible for the program, pay-to-stay jails are generally considered safer than county jails.
  • Flexible Scheduling: Some programs enable working people to serve on weekends, enabling them to keep their employment.

The Cost & Application Process

The Burbank Jail is located just outside Los Angeles and opened in 2010. The facility has room for up to 600 inmates and charges roughly around $100 per day for the program, which is a considerable fee for many but seen as a worthwhile investment for those willing and able to pay.

There are three pay-to-stay jail options at the Burbank detention facility:

  • Standard housing costs $93 per day per inmate, or $3,000 per month
  • Supervisor housing costs $123 per day per inmate, or $4,500 per month
  • Preferred housing costs $143 per day per inmate, or $5,700 per month

The process for applying to this program requires that an individual:

  • Obtain approval from the county or city agency that oversees the facility.
  • Complete an application, detailing personal, financial, and criminal history and any specific requests.
  • Attend an interview with jail staff, who will assess eligibility based on factors such as criminal history, personal conduct, and potential risk to other detainees.
  • Agree to any terms and conditions stipulated by the jail upon acceptance into the program, such as a negative tuberculosis test and proof of medical insurance.

Public Opinions on the Pay-to-Stay Jail Program

People have different feelings about pay-to-stay jail programs like the one in Burbank, as they do with other controversial initiatives. Supporters argue that these programs generate additional revenue for the jail systems and provide safer options for those who qualify. Opponents, on the other hand, believe that these programs are a kind of economic discrimination since they let rich individuals buy their way into more comfortable jails. This makes the gap between rich and poor in the criminal justice system even worse.

Whatever you believe, it is helpful to understand how these programs work. If you have questions about posting bail or want to know more about your options if a loved one has been arrested, contact Dan’s Bail Bonds. We’re here to help.